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汇丰.核心 青年人才计划 海外留学生全额奖学金
人工智能创业 艺术家神庙计划   16 x 24 on Canvas
Thank You, WE AWAKEN, IA, AI 2.0, AI 1.0 AI 0, AI -1.0


Version System 32K, auction 32K
Buffet Owns Version System

Bill Gates 32亿英镑             
Chinese Government 320亿英镑   (习近平)
人族,神族,贵族。  3大Token


​核心基金将结合剑桥大学AI2.0实验室后期研发的功能产品,保障青年人才得到优秀的资源,为国际化交流。为经济技术的发展,更为核心的底层哲学,神话,游戏,小说提供优秀的指引和建设。入选的艺术家获得艺术家神庙的先期免费股权,每人1/32, 共同拥有,管理,获利,引领艺术,建设维纳斯在人间的第一个神迹。希望参与艺术家神庙相关融资,股权分配计划,艺术品投资基金,人工智能与艺术结合的科研工作等,请联系Xue Tong,   地狱女神,前艺术女神。

伦敦需要有校内联络能力,平时时间较多,对公司业务各个分类都有学习兴趣的人。有融资经验,人脉,独立创业想法,对人生意义看重的同学。融资还有销售代理,艺术平台,画展,包括核心其它行业,比如游戏,文化娱乐,金融是2024年英国本地的铺设重点。网络游戏意义重大,核心宇宙的网游,也是利润丰厚,获得财富的好机会。人工智能对于核心的整个系统,是一切的最核心的竞争力之源。请将工作申请发到, 招聘行业,尤其是这个网站招聘模块将会变动很大,早期人员可以帮助空间共同建设一个新时代的雇佣系统。虚拟世界很方便,网游同时也是一个宇宙,这个网站就是这个宇宙。空间生活在很多地方。最喜欢这里。


​Full Time Permanent 的名额大概有32个,主要给已经毕业的各大学校的学习成绩优良,覆盖各个行业和职能的青年人才,融资有核心基金负责,因为有核心宗教和哲学的加持,领导人空间所能动用的全球资源,超乎想象,为神灵工作,就是所有就职人员,志愿者,实习生的背景元素。信仰,爱情,机遇,投资,上市,财富自由,旅行,创新,大企业的就职机会,一切都可以提供。






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Executive Assistant to CEO of Elevate Mind Unlimited

Base salary of 80K GBP.  Year end bonus of 2024 will be the 1/4 of base salary.

Full time employee has 1% (upon onboarding) of Elevate Mind Limited crowd equity for free (roadmap to be before Q1 end this year), Plan is to quickly enlist 4 - 8 PA / EA / Funding Manager / CFO, COO, etc. along with high profile VCs, or Strategic Partners, also government agencies appointed persons. And students, teachers, low income families, nurses, etc. to take the ownerships of Elevate Mind Ltd


Regarding commission, AI 2.0 will be responsible for calculating the resulting commission amount to be paid monthly if any. Usually this will be the 10% of business loans / sales of online store items / NFT artworks of CEO.

Need you to onboard to help me to have disposable cash, of considerable amount, together with 2 - 8 other person onboard. For now. Let's just use base salary. . Let's see how much liquidity we can evoke.

Above three major aspect of offer will be revisited together when key persons onboarded this year. 


Talents Pool Inlets

Hire more talents like you, volunteers and interns, prefer Chinese / Japanese / Korean, need middle east region talents, and Indian female talents. Persons with connections to high worth, persons with artistic skills, persons will VCs, private equities, banking experience are preferred. 

Political sector, Core is lacking experience and personnel. Help also investigate if any quick (in days ) process can be activated to allow Core to speedy connect with UK's government, especially Law and Order. UK's financial system is Paradise, we want to deliver Paradise in Paradise. If able to setup meeting(s) with senior officials in government, then severe rewards will be given in format of Elevate Neuro. 

Remember, you can earn up o 16x normal industry standard, if work creatively, with Wolf aggressiveness and mountain calmness. Trust in you to learn 256x even. 2048x not too expensive. Show us your inner Goddess / God talents. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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