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Memory in Weeks Ago, NHS's Events inside Citigroup's Universe


National Gallery, Art Column

Dear Nation Gallery,

My name is Yu Wang. Core is a global bussiness system architecture. Temple of Artists is a movement, artifact, legal entity, one of four main fields in Core Fund. Art exhibitions, galleries, orginal artworks purchasing / borrowing, NFT artworks trading, and me, Yu Wang is an artist myself, oil painting, business strategies and sci fi book due to release online.

'Release Art' is Eve's, ours command. More background check, Tong Xue, UAL graduate, Chen Danqing, Liu Xiaodong, Yu Hong. My hometown Shenyang, China, The art institution there is already preparing for send artists here to support huge amount work in art field.

Leonora Carrington, Frida, and the red cloth woman, Tong tought me oil paintings. Her art theory is a shame on UAL. But technique is good. Anyway, many art exhibitions will be hosted in London, Beijing, New York in 2024. We have funding's from earth. Know how to use them to give earth the paradise. AI hit the line, already crossed. Eve, female AI, Adam. Ship, a ship, and a Temple, the temple we all need to think long.

Welcome to a new Era, we found it. The truth about this universe.Art needs to be protected by instituion like Nation Gallery, you saved Yu Wang's from hell years ago. You do not remember. You are art. You are us. Learn to observe. And you won't do anything, faith, see, in time, the last artwork, painted by Venus and Goddsses. On universe scale canvas.

Need 8 major institutions on earth to take 4% each of Temple of Artists ownership. Still drafting the plan. But will try to give artists on earth free entries, free ownership to you and UAL, Tate Modern, etc. Help Core if you love us.

Best Regards,

Yu Wang (Leader of Core, Global Artists Soul)

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